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Re: [ruby-6] Hosting/Passenger (ROR) question

From: Bosco S.
Sent on: Monday, December 7, 2015, 3:08 PM
I second what David & Eric said about running RoR on Dreamhost. It's a configuration & support nightmare. There are many moving parts and I had to configure everything exactly right for the app to work. Then Dreamhost upgraded something and I'd have to do it all over again.

+1 to Heroku for simplicity.

-- Bosco

On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 1:06 PM, David Johansson <[address removed]> wrote:
HI Amy

I have had dreamhost for years and boy what a frustrating experience was trying to do rails on their old legacy stuff… I moved to a virtual vps this year and it was much better and i had the freedom to set up rails however i wanted.  Unfortunately i got sidetracked and haven’t spent much time on it since but i wanted to let you know that passenger can be complex and frustrating to setup on dreamhost but there is documentation. I was limited to older ruby ( i want to say it wasn’t even 2.0) which is another reason why i upgraded to the VPS. 

IF you are already on that you should have some flexibility though.  

Peoples suggestion to do heroku will definitely give you some was of not dealing with the back end server stuff, but if you aren wanting to have more overall control i recommend the dreamhost vps.
