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Going out of town need dogsitter

From: user 4.
Sent on: Saturday, July 28, 2007, 4:20 PM

Hey everyone!  I hope this finds you well…..Danielle and I are going out of town for a week at the end of August and our usual sitter for Ginger unfortunately fell through.   We thought we would reach out to the group and see if anyone would be interested in helping us out.  We will be leaving Tuesday, August 27th and will be back on Labor Day – Monday, September 3rd.


If you haven’t met Ginger at any of the meet-ups yet, she really is a charm….


·         She doesn’t bark

·         Gets along great with other dogs and people

·         Super playful, super cuddly, and loves to give kisses



With that said, she is only 9 months old and, (as seems to be the case with all yorkies), has not quite mastered using the potty outside. J  Also, she has not been spayed yet.


If anyone would be able to help us out, please let me know…you can get me at [address removed] or Danielle at  [address removed]










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