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From: user 2.
Sent on: Sunday, July 29, 2007, 11:57 AM
Dearest Kellie,
My heart goes out to you and your family. I can not believe how scary this time must be for you. I can understand how painful the separation can be, and I agree with you that no other puppy can replace the space Bebe has in your heart! That is a fact.
To help out in the meantime I have forwarded your  email to all my friends and family to keep a close eye on this case. And as most of the members of the Yorkie club I will keep an eye on craigslist for Bebe... to see if those icky people are trying to resell.
In the mean time my prayers are with you. We send you all our love and streangth from Antioch Ca.
Yorkie Kisses;
Diana, ( Mama) Red (Papa) and Val (Fellow Big Yorkie)

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