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Re: [linux-5] Books for sale

From: Sylvain
Sent on: Thursday, December 27, 2012, 1:07 PM

Hi Eugène,

If you got linux in a nutshell, or similar books, and you are willing to sell only those, i would be interested in buying.

On Dec 27,[masked]:49 PM, "Eugene" <[address removed]> wrote:
(Note: keep me cc'ed)


I'm selling some of my books. They are all in English, and are all in pristine condition, unless otherwise noted. There are no highlights nor markings on the pages.

I have many more Linux kernel and Python books, still compiling them. I did a fair bit of kernel/security work so if you (buyer) are interested to get started, I can share some pointers.

If you are interested to buy, write to me /directly/, and we will arrange a meetup.

Thanks, Eugene

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