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Venture backed San Francisco startup looking for a backend software engineer in Brisbane

From: Colin K.
Sent on: Thursday, May 30, 2013, 5:10 PM

Hi Silicon Beachers

It's not every day you get a job like this posted in Brisbane - so I'm pushing it out to this group in case some of you might be interested.


Colin Kinner

Silicon Beach Brisbane Co-Organiser

Venture backed San Francisco startup looking for a backend software engineer in Brisbane

Our company & vision

Enthuse is a venture-backed startup based in San Francisco and we are growing quickly! On your mobile, visit: Our vision is to be the number one mobile-focused platform for sports franchises to engage and reward their fans.

While business is conducted in the USA, the engineering positions are in Brisbane Australia (right in the CBD/4000 postal code). This is an opportunity for local talent to be part of a VC backed technology startup led by veterans with a proven track record.

Our platform consists of an API tools, an SDK, and an app that empowers sports franchises to recognize & reward their fans, enhance the fan experience, strengthen fan loyalty, and help generate sponsorship revenue. We work with professional and collegiate athletics organizations including the University of Miami, the America East Conference, and the Atlantic Sun Conference sounds interesting.

Our culture:

We deeply value engineering and product. We want you to help build a strong development team that builds amazing products

Weʼre focused on working hard and shipping. We push hard to keep the advantage we have built up in the sports world, and to keep up with all the partnerships and promotion opportunities rolling in

The organization is flat and you will be reporting directly to the CTO. He has built a successful startup before in Boston ( that was acquired. Our founder and CEO also has a track record of building successful businesses, including cofounding a successful sports marketing company in Boston.

The company also has a close relationship with ESPN and The V Foundation

Our mentors and backers are some of the best early stage investors in the valley and have funded companies such as Path, Bazzarvoice, and Greystripe ensuring we all continue learning and growing both as a company and individuals.

Our current stack:

Ruby on Rails (3.2+), Grape, Rubber

MySQL (hosted via RDS)

ElasticSearch, Redis, MongoDB

AWS: EC2, S3, ELB, etc.

External services including Mixpanel, Librato, and New Relic

Note: We are a polyglot shop; we are prone to using many languages in production depending on whatever suits the problem we’re trying to solve best (or the implementor). Must be willing to employ a wide variety of technologies


Intimate knowledge of several languages, like Ruby, Python, Javascript, Java, C++, etc.

Deep understanding of SQL fundamentals, bonus points for MySQL and PostgreSQL

Experience working in Linux or a Unix-like environment (including OSX)

A true passion for software development and technology in general

Extra credit:

A love of startup culture and for growing small teams

Contributor to open source software

Interest in the sports space (you might learn to love it if you don't already!)

Interest in consumer-facing application development

Love of functional programming (Clojure, Scala, Haskell, ML, etc.)

Why you want to apply:

We are a startup and treat engineers the way they should be treated. This means a very competitive salary, pre IPO stock options, free food, and a San Francisco like work environment.

How to apply:

Please send your resume or LinkedIn profile to [address removed]. Applications goes directly to the engineering team (no HR department or recruiter). Include any additional information about yourself that is cool and interesting including open source projects you're working on or recent tech-talks/blog posts you've given.

Please note: We also have mobile dev and internships available - let us know if you're interested.


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