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From: Ron D.
Sent on: Monday, September 13, 2010, 8:29 AM
I had an email from Dave Dribbon of the band Tennessee Hollow (

He gives guitar (and piano?) lessons but also runs songwriting workshops. He's offered to put one together for our group and I just wanted to gauge interest.

I've worked with him a couple of times individually and it did help get me moving on some songs I was stuck on. I'm not sure what the group format would be but if you come with some ideas or songs he'll be able to at least give you some ideas or suggestions for ways to take it.

This can be as little as a line or 2 of lyric with no melody or it can be a whole song. He has local students who have sold or had had their songs recorded.

If there is interest I'll nail down a per person cost.

If you are interested let me know some general days and times that work best (or don't work at all).

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