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It's time to party!!

From: Larry D H.
Sent on: Friday, November 14, 2014, 9:38 PM



Hey VCP!

How are all of you?  Me? Well, I've been very busy working, But, I'm seriously ready for some playtime tomorrow night. The weather will be amazing, the music easy to dance to, and the perfect group of people to relax and enjoy life with will be there.  How can it get any better?

If you're a fellow Scorpio, please let me know so I can buy you a drink tomorrow night.  I know nothing about astrology and the signs but I've had two very intense relationships with Scorpio women and I've been very close to a few others. I have a deep respect and attraction for Scorpio women.

Unfortunately I have never met one who didn't want to eventually kill me.. I'm reminded of a You Tube video I just saw a cpl days ago called " It's not about the Nail"   google it if this doesn't work.

As a Scorpio man and a fixer I am always trying to explain the problem with the nail. Scorpio women will not have it...they will intentionally put another nail in their head to show you how wrong I am and unimportant the nail really is.  Its not about the nail... haha

Took me a lot of years to get the "just listen" concept...still working on it :)

So, the doors open at 8pm and the management has agreed to put a table out for us.  I can bring a cake and some munchies.  Anyone else want munchies and able to bring anything?

We get in for half price, so only 4 bucks to get in when you say VCP...

Your replies to this email come to me only so please use the comment section to say what food you might bring.  Here's a link to the comment section if you're signed into Meetup I think.

If  there's anything I can do to remove a roadblock, eradicate anything that may be prohibiting you from dancing with us/me tomorrow night,  please let me know.

cuz I'm the fixer.


Your Organizer,

Larry Head


OH, one more thing  .. I am seriously thinking about a getting a name change.  First name only, I named my son Jacob 19 yrs ago thinking it was cool and uncommon name.  I was right about the cool part. There are not many names that go with Head.  Please give me some ideas  :)  And if its a joke name I've heard it...I know I've heard it...but go ahead if it makes you feel good ...I like it when you feel good, I do seriously :)


PS.  Just a reminder if you want to be a FB friend send me a request , you can search for me in FB by my email address  [address removed]

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