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Some changes to Skeptical Society of St. Louis

From: Michael B.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 8:38 PM

Do to the popularity of The Skeptical Society of St. Louis on we are going to make some changes that should really benefit the skeptics, rationalists, and science enthusiasts of St. Louis. We plan to keep the group as it is and continue to do regular events that are open to anyone interested in meeting up with other skeptics. The name will probably change to the Skeptics meetup and it will be part of a more formal group called The Skeptical Society of St. Louis. This organization will have non-profit status, an executive board, and publish the quarterly journal Skeptical Perspective. This will allow The Skeptical Society to take on bigger projects (some, very exciting) and hopefully make St. Louis the model for regional organizations of this type. If none of this makes any sense, just keep coming to the meetups.

One of the first changes you will see will be our Skeptics in the Pub series at a great downtown location beginning this summer. This is a collaboration between the SSSL and D. J. Grothe of the popular radio show and podcast Point of Inquiry. Skeptics in the Pub is an informal social event designed to promote fellowship and social networking among skeptics, critical-thinkers, and other like-minded individuals. It provides an opportunity for skeptics and rationalists to talk, share ideas in a casual, relaxed atmosphere, and discuss whatever topical issues come to mind. But most importantly, it?s about having fun while promoting skepticism, science, and rationality. Check our website at or our site for details as they become available. In addition to the Skeptics in the Pub we are also working on a number of other projects to bring some great lectures and other programs to our members. Stay tuned.

If you think you would like to become more involved in this young and quickly growing organization please e-mail me at [address removed]. There are many opportunities for those who are passionate about skepticism to become active and help the Skeptical Society of St. Louis continue to grow.

Join us on Facebook! The SSSL is now on Facebook. Visit our site here to join.


Michael Blanford

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