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Re: [skeptics-136] "In God We Trust" Poll

From: user 3.
Sent on: Monday, August 18, 2008, 1:49 PM
Why would I send this to every christian, the last thing I want is the brainwashed masses affecting politics and gov.  Any more

------Original Message------
From: Wendy Hughes
Sender: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
ReplyTo: [address removed]
Sent: Aug 18,[masked]:41 PM
Subject: [skeptics-136] "In God We Trust" Poll

This from Jim U.:

Here's your chance to let the media know where the people stand on our faith in God, as a nation. NBC is taking a poll on 'In God We Trust' to stay on our American currency. Please send this to every Christian you know so they can vote on this important subject. Please do it right away, before NBC takes this off the web page. 

Poll is still open so you can vote. 

https://www.msnbc....­ <https://www.msnbc....;­ 


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