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Networking Event! Free!

From: user 4.
Sent on: Monday, October 8, 2007, 11:07 PM
Hi All:
My names Andrea, and I am hosting an event for business networking, education and fun. We have many guests, a few short guests speakers, lots of food, and lots of fun. If you are interested in being on the list, I'd love to add you to the e-vite. This is a completely free event, except for your potluck item! :-D
If you have a small business, or service, and you donate something or our door prizes or raffle, you get to stand up and talk about your business or service for two minutes.
Our last event was AMAZING! We had 50+ women, and a great time. Please e-mail me at [address removed] to be added to the invite.
No one left empty handed from our last party thanks to our generous donors of raffle prizes.
These are always amazing events.

Andrea Fisher
Passion Parties? Independent Consultant
?Passion Parties ? THE place to be!?

Email: [address removed]
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