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Reiki Level I

From: Pearl R.
Sent on: Saturday, July 19, 2014, 3:52 PM

Click here to RSVP for this Meet Up:

When: Sunday, August 17,[masked]:30 AM

Where: 1480 Royal Palm Beach Blvd Suite C
Royal Palm Beach

Reiki Level I    Sunday August 17th   9:30am to 5:30pm   $150 (includes manuals) with Rev. Pearl Rauberts 

In this full one day Reiki Level 1 workshop you will learn how Reiki started, how to give a Level 1 treatment to yourself and others and you will receive the four attunements of Reiki 1, permanently linking you to the Reiki source. You will learn the hand positions for self-healing and for channeling Reiki to others. You will receive two detailed manuals providing you with a great deal of information about Reiki and how to use it. Each workshop participant will receive and give a supervised Reiki treatment during the course of the day, helping you to build confidence. There will be time for questions so that your understanding of this powerful healing method can be deepened. You will receive Reiki Level I Certification, allowing you to continue your Reiki studies should you wish. To ensure everybody gets individual attention, only a limited number of people are accepted; so register early. No previous knowledge is needed and Pearl teaches the Usui approach to Reiki. Each workshop participant also receives vouchers for discounts for one on one sessions with Pearl.

There is increasing knowledge of and interest in the healing modality of Reiki; many people become interested as they have a desire to help others but Reiki is also a wonderful way to heal and help ourselves. Reiki is a particular approach to working with the healing energy so as to help body, mind and emotions. It means "spiritually guided (Rei) life force energy (Ki)." We all have life force energy flowing through us and if it is blocked we can have health problems. Receiving Reiki is extremely relaxing as the energy pathways in the body receive healing energy, guided to go where it can be of most use. During a Reiki treatment your vibratory level is raised: Reiki addresses blocks in the energy flow, allowing energy to flow more freely so that your mind, body and emotions are better able to heal themselves. Reiki is received in addition to medical treatment and can be given to anyone. It is also an excellent way to let go of stress!