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South West Big Data Meetup Cancelled

From: Paul H.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 2:25 PM


So sorry to do this at such short notice, but due to life and personal circumstances I have had no time to organise this months meetup. I tried to organise some DataViz speakers last week, but they have not been able to come now (understandingly).

I think I will have to postpone this meetup and further meetups indefinately until things change for me. If anyone would like to help me organise the meetups or if anyone would like to take over the running of the group then please contact me.

Again, huge apologies to those who have already RSVP'ed.

-- Paul


I started some work organising the Hack/Reduce event with information that Andy Seabourne and a few other posted me. FYI I am still organising this event to be held at a soon to be named date.

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