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What we’re about

Here's how Ruth, the founder of the group, put it:

"This Group is a great way of meeting French speakers in Bristol! I am a member of the meetup group in Birmingham and think it is a perfect way to make new friends in a relaxed environment as well as being able to speak a wonderful language! This group is for ANYONE and EVERYONE who wants to speak French and form new friendships. It doesn't matter what level you are, just come along and enjoy yourself! The purpose of this group is to HAVE FUN!"

Frequently-asked questions:

  • Looks interesting - what do I do now?

Join the group (with the 'Join us' button or similar) on this page, either using your Facebook account if you want, or by creating a Meetup account (easy and free) or using an existing Meetup account. Once you've joined, you'll get emails when events are organised (you can always switch off the emails if you want).

  • Does it cost anything?

No, membership of the group is free. Some of the events can involve a purchase, though (such as cinema tickets). Usually that's left for each member to do, but for some events, the organiser might need to take deposits beforehand (such as a big restaurant booking).

  • Do I have to subscribe on the web site, or can I just find events in the calendar and turn up to them?

It's better to subscribe and to RSVP to any events you want to go to, otherwise you might not get messages about any arrangements or last-minute changes.

  • My French really isn't that good, will I just end up not understanding everyone?

If you're not too confident yet, let the organiser know - maybe send a message beforehand - then speak to them when you get there, and he or she will make sure you're ok.

  • Do I have to organise any events?

No, but if you'd like to, or you want to suggest an idea, don't hesitate to speak to an organiser.