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Re: [spanish-48] Weekly Tuesdays change of location starts April 7, 2015.

From: Mark H.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 1:21 PM
I'm with Chalo and Diane -- that would be fun to meet at various homes or even in a nice shady park, etc. Good idea!

On Wednesday, March 18,[masked]:15 PM, Juan G. Cruz (Çhalo) <[address removed]> wrote:

Wao! How nice is that Diane….hope that the organizers see your note and take you up on it….Let me know if and when this would happen …..!
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Diane
Sent: Wednesday, March 18,[masked]:19 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [spanish-48] Weekly Tuesdays change of location starts April 7, 2015.
Just curious....I noticed that we're looking for a venue/restaurant but would anyone consider doing it at their home?  As the weather starts warming up and becoming nice, I wouldn't mind meeting in someone's backyard, including mine.  Let me know if this is of interest.  Diane

From: Juan G. Cruz (Çhalo) <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sunday, March 15,[masked]:55 PM
Subject: RE: [spanish-48] Weekly Tuesdays change of location starts April 7, 2015.
Please let me know when you find a new place for our meetings. Sometimes a social gathering place may not be conducive to some of the experiences that members of this group may want to have. I attended one time and was not able to get in contact with anybody in the group. The establishment was very busy and difficult to find any set group to think of.
May I suggest a quieter place, like a library, or a restaurant that may be able to share a back room or an isolated place where we can announce the meetup group clearly to all concern.
Have a good week,
JGCruz (ChaLo)
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Sue
Sent: Thursday, March 12,[masked]:55 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [spanish-48] Weekly Tuesdays change of location starts April 7, 2015.
La Fiesta or Poncho's for me.  Thanks.
On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 9:42 PM, elizabeth anderson <[address removed]> wrote:
If we are voting, I like Taqueria Galbaldi on Howe--------------------------------------------
On Thu, 3/12/15, Richard Sing <[address removed]> wrote:

 Subject: [spanish-48] Weekly Tuesdays change of location starts April 7, 2015.
 To: [address removed]
 Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015, 7:29 PM

 Amigos- Due to the
 deteriorating level of customer service and level of noise,
 we will  be moving our weekly Tuesday location starting
 April 7, 2015. We've been at Los Jarritos for more than
 three years but times have changed, forcing us to make a
 decision. We 'll finalize a location in 7-10 days and
 post to our website. Again, any member can schedule your own
 meetings if you'd like, at any location, time or
 day. At this moment, we'll consider: La Fiesta on
 Alhambra Blvd.( we have history with them), Taqueria Maya( 2
 blocks east of Los Jarritos), Taqueria Garabaldi( Howe y
 Alta Arden) where I started with this group in 2006 and
 Poncho's on Broadway. Criteria: customer service,
 ambiance, food, parking and location. If I had any say, at
 this moment, I'd lean towards La Fiesta where, I've
 enjoyed our Meetups in the past, good food, environment and
 vibe( YESS! it's a feeling). We'll post ASAP,
 gracias y nos vemos, ricardo.


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