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For New Spanish Learners

From: user 3.
Sent on: Friday, November 23, 2012, 4:16 PM
Sorry for the english, can't 'say' this all in spanish!
Here is something that would be good for new Spanish language learners. I take spanish from this teacher through Skype. He is a native speaker (Argentina) who now lives here in the US. I hope you find this info useful. 
Bueno Suerte!

From: Leslee Rose <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thursday, November 22,[masked]:22 PM
Subject: RE: [spanish-570] Happy Thanksgiving!!

Lidia!! Smile Wow, que gusto escuchar de ti! Te extraño un montón...  Como te va todo? Te gusta la vida italiana? Espero el dia en que nos vemos nuevamente. Gracias por los deseos. Estoy aqui en Kentucky con mi familia, pasando el Dia de Gracias y el fin de semana con ellos. No puedo creer que casi llega la Navidad, uff...el año anda volando!  Esta vez traje mi laptop asi que te busco más tarde y ojala podremos charlar en el facebook.
Un abrazote para ti.Red heart

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [spanish-570] Happy Thanksgiving!!
Date: Thu, 22 Nov[masked]:43:36 -0500

Querida Leslee!  Gracias por compartir este mensaje, y especialmente por tu amistad.  Un grandisimo Dia de Accion de Gracias para ti y tu familia. 
Un abrazote.Corazón rojo

Lidia Rosa roja

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [spanish-570] Happy Thanksgiving!!
Date: Wed, 21 Nov[masked]:28:35 -0500

Quise decirles que estoy muy pero muy agradecida por conocerles a todos ustedes.
Cada día doy muchisimas gracias por ustedes y por su amistad.
Les deseo un muy Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias.
Que Dios les bendiga y sus familias ricamente!
Leslee Emoji

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Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
This message was sent by Carly ([address removed]) from Nashville Spanish Language Meetup Group.
To learn more about Carly, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
This message was sent by Leslee Rose ([address removed]) from Nashville Spanish Language Meetup Group.
To learn more about Leslee Rose, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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