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Canon Gear for Sale

From: Ken R.
Sent on: Monday, April 8, 2013, 11:31 PM

Hello Everyone, this Dean Stevenson.

I have decided to switch from Canon to Nikon and will be selling some of my used Canon equipment. Ok, only half of that is true. :)

Here is a breakdown of the Canon gear that I currently have available for purchase. Everything listed has recently been professionally evaluated and cleaned and is in excellent working condition. If you are interested, know someone who might be, or have any questions, please contact me at [address removed] or[masked].

Thank you,

*Canon 5D with battery grip ($550)
*Canon 20D with battery grip ($350)
*Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro lens ($400)
*Canon 10-22mm[masked] Wide Angle          lens ($500)

-Both cameras come with two batteries,  charger, all cables and instruction  manuals, and the original box. 
-All lenses come with rear and front caps  and UV filter.


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