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New Meetup: Tuesday July 24, 2009 Business Building Bootcamp with Karen Klein, LA-Based BusinessWeek host and LA Times Columnist

From: Yvette-Janine
Sent on: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 7:24 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Pasadena professional women -WCC!

What: Tuesday July 24, 2009 Business Building Bootcamp

When: July 24,[masked]:30 AM

Event fee: $19.00 per person

Womens City Club of Pasadena
160 N. Oakland Ave
Pasadena, CA 91101

Women In Business returns with Business Building Bootcamp

This Friday - July 24th
11:30am - networking, 12 pm - Lunch & Program

The speaker will be Karen Klein, LA-Based BusinessWeek host and LA Times Columnist

Business Building Bootcamp is an intensive structured professional development program that will cover the basics of starting a business, address what it takes to be an entrepreneur, and give participants the opportunity to develop their business ideas into full-blown business plans.

RSVP by reply to this email, or call[masked].

About the Business Building Bootcamp. These lunch workshops are designed to be both informative and applicable to the professional efforts of WCC members and guests and assist with building businesses.

Please note that the workshops are a part of the Women's City Club of Pasadena, a private, social club, which is housed in an elegant home, and there is a dress code --business casual at a minimum. You may try out the club 3 times before applying for membership.

Hope to see you there. Don't forget to RSVP with the Club ... ask for Frances[masked].

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