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The ONE Survey You MUST DO - Norwich Needs YOU

From: John F.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 8:50 AM

A big part of our success in Norwich Tech Community has come from our recognition as being a TechCity Cluster through the Tech Nation Survey.

This is an annual Survey, and its the ONE Survey we MUST DO every year if we want to continue to maintain and grow our status on the national stage.

This year, its opening up to EVERYBODY.  Whether you are an individual or company.  Please take 5-7mins of your time to complete it.

Click here to have your say.


  • One survey
  • 10-20 questions (depending on your answers)
  • 7 minutes (we’ve tested it)

About Tech Nation

Tech Nation 2016 provided the most detailed analysis to date of how the digital sector is driving economic growth, showcasing the innovation and energy of tech hubs across the UK.

In 2017 Tech City UK will take an even more in-depth look at how the digital economy is evolving, giving a greater voice to the UK’s tech communities and highlighting the considerable progress they are making.

To do this we need to hear from everyone who works or operates within the sector. So whether you’re part of a tech business, an academic, investor or another member of the ecosystem please take just seven minutes to complete the survey and share the link with your network.

Around 40 companies who complete the survey will be featured within the report as a case study! Thank you for your time.

Click here to have your say.

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