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New Meetup: Singles Potluck

From: Karen
Sent on: Saturday, December 8, 2012, 4:54 PM

Announcing a new Meetup for Tacoma Mountaineers Singles!

What: Singles Potluck
When: Thursday, January 3,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Mountaineers Tacoma Branch
2302 North 30th Street
Tacoma, WA 98403

We'd like to get together every 1st week of the month for a Potluck and conversation on all our upcoming functions. You can bring your favorite dish, sandwich or take-out and join us. Or come in for a bowl of soup or chowder in the crockpot. It's open to everyone that wants to stop by.

Bring the Brie and leave the Chablis. This is a non-alcoholic event.

Come Join Me!  Any questions, contact Karen at [address removed] or call me at[masked].

Check it out!

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