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New Event: Lavay Smith @ Swing Dance USA-St. Pete Coliseum

From: Randy T.
Sent on: Thursday, September 6, 2007, 9:33 PM
Announcing a new event for The Tampa\Clearwater Dance Meetup Group!

What: Lavay Smith @ Swing Dance USA-St. Pete Coliseum

When: Friday, October 5, 8:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Friday Night October 5, 2007

Is the Opening Premiere of Swing Dance USA with Lavay Smith

This weekend event starts with a free-to-the-public Meet and Greet Reception held in the balcony of the Coliseum at 7pm, where there will be refreshments, music and a presentation of the History of Swing. Meet the legendary Norma Miller who inspired several books and a documentary movie about her life called the Queen of Swing. The Meet and Greet ends at 8 PM as ticket holders begin to fill the Coliseum for the Swing Dance USA Open Swing Dance competition at 8 .

San Francisco bombshell Lavay Smith and Her Red Hot Skillet Lickers playing live at 9 PM. Many publications have sung the praises of Lavay Smith and her band, including Downbeat, The Los Angeles Times, Jazziz, The Boston Globe, Blues Revue, The New York Press, Living Blues, and the Alternative Press. Television and Radio appearances include Public Television's "The News Hour with Jim Lehrer", Fox TV's "Fox Files", and NPR's "To The Best of Our Knowledge". World famous celebrities have jumped on the Lavay Smith bandwagon as well. Johnny Otis says "Lavay is wonderful! She and her band are a breath of fresh air." Dan Aykroyd, a.k.a. Elwood Blues, says of Lavay's debut album, "One Hour Mama", "...this CD is guaranteed to make you feel better." Even President Clinton has seen the light, proclaiming, "I love this band - they're great!"

Tickets for Friday Night's Show are $19 in advance and $23 at the door.Get both night for just $35 in advance. Doors open for Meet and Greet at 7 PM. Ticket holders enter the Coliseum at 8 PM and the Lavay Smith Show starts at 9PM and goes until 1 AM. Advance tickets and group ticket sales are available at Visit the website for details.

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