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Re: [new-tampa-philosophers] Thanks for the Great Memories and Our Future

From: Carrie G.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 5:03 PM
so glad you enjoyed the evening. we all love you dale.
"Drive it like you stole it."
Carrie Giest

From: Dale Friedley <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tuesday, December 20,[masked]:55 AM
Subject: [new-tampa-philosophers] Thanks for the Great Memories and Our Future

To the Thinkers Who Were There or Missed It:
I really can’t stop thinking about what transpired last night and how cool it was.  Occasionally things just happened in your life that connects to everyone there in a way approaching special.   I had no idea that the silly theme I concocted I was utterly unsure would work at all would take off the way it did, and I absolutely refuse to analyze it to see if we can capture the essence again.  It was just an organic connection between a bunch of brilliant people open to things as they transpired then building on what just happened as the night wore on.
And Secret Santa!  We will have to try to reconnect to that magic again next year somehow, particularly if our three little elves can be there again.
I paid up the dues for the group October 2010 with the hopes of getting smart people together so I could listen and learn from them as they talked about stuff I was weirdly enticed by.  I really had no idea we would become the social engine I think we are at this point.  I just have to thank all of you who have participated in this adventure over the past year for making it more than I could have ever hoped for.
And like the dork I am, I am tearing up a little again.  What a wuss!
Of course we will be doing our January meetup on philosophy and happiness and there will be some follow-up messages from Anna, Dr Jon and Roy V Poplin on how that excursion will be organized early next year.  Please sign up for that one at the link below if you haven’t already:
My idea is that we should have taped the session we just had and play it for everyone to enjoy again.  Unfortunately, like many fond moments, it is just lost in the abyss of our dwindling memories and will hopefully be the stuff of Thinker lore for years to come where we will be able to say, ‘you just had to have been there.’
Also consider further our Freud/Jung film meet up in late January that will be followed by a discussion on philosophy and psychology somewhere near the Oldsmar theatre.   Choose that one at the link below.
Have fun hanging with your families during the holidays, in my humble opinion the real reason for the season.
Your Head Dork
Dale Friedley
PS I am changing font sizes and colors because of eyesight limitations with some Thinkers.  Keep the color blind in mind as you communicate in the coming year … but black is just so boring.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Friedley <[address removed]>
To: DaleFried <[address removed]>; new-tampa-philosophers-announce <[address removed]>
Sent: Tue, Dec 20,[masked]:42 am
Subject: Re: A Call to Give-a-Crap Part Deux

To Caring Thinkers:
The Suncoast Humanists also want us to join them as well.  Hopefully joint meetings are in the offing. 
Please join this group at the following link.  They also have monthly meetings in Clearwater.
Your Head Dork
Dale Friedley

-----Original Message-----
From: DaleFried <[address removed]>
To: new-tampa-philosophers-announce <[address removed]>
Sent: Mon, Dec 19,[masked]:14 am
Subject: A Call to Give-a-Crap

To Caring Thinkers:
I and about five other of our Thinkers (Anna, Igor, Bob S, Carrie and Brent) (and a triad of very young thinkers) attended the inaugural meeting of The Tampa Humanist Association meetup group Saturday.  We decided at that meeting of 20 or so to try and use the entire humanist notion as a way to get away from just pontificating endlessly about things to actually moving in a positive direction. 
I believe that many of us may actually want to get involved in such things so I encourage all of The Thinkers to consider joining this group.  I know that the skeptics, inquirers, atheists, freethinkers, and reasoners will all being encouraging their kind to do the same.  Please choose to join this group at the link below:
I know in these times of insane political hyperbole that is so utterly irrational, it is easy to get pissed.  I sure fall victim to this.  But I passionately believe that a better world is possible and there are ways to put our two cents into this effort here and there.  Please take my encouragement and think about adding a couple of additional cents.
Your Caring Head Dork
Dale Friedley

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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