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Fwd: Melissa Smith just joined The Twin Cities Energy & Holistic Workers (TCEHW)!

From: SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, B.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 8:22 AM
New Member --- say Hello :)


Melissa Smith just joined The Twin Cities Energy & Holistic Workers (TCEHW)!

You now have 557 members in your Meetup Group!

Melissa Smith
Hi, my name is melissa. I'm going to school for hollistic nutrition and would love to get to know like minded people.

Would you consider yourself an Energy Healer... Energy Worker... Seeker of Knowledge... or all of the above? What makes you "tick"?
I like to learn about ways to improve mental, physical and spiritual well being.

What is your business, profession or speciality? (Include your website if you have one)

How long have you been doing this personally and/or professionally?
Not long

What areas of energy healing/work are you interested in?

What brought you to the group and how are you looking to benefit?
Just looking to see who's out there and maybe learn something along the way

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