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"Crazy, Stupid, Love" Meetup Canceled and Spotlight on a Flood Relief Volunteer Group

From: Art
Sent on: วันศุกร์ที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พุทธศักราช 2554 00:34

Dear Movie Lovers,

Sorry, but I have had to cancel our Meetup for "Crazy, Stupid, Love".  This cancellation has nothing to do with the flooding.  That movie was originally scheduled for Bangkok for last September, later postponed to October, and later postponed indefinitely.  Now it appears that it will not be shown in Bangkok at all.

I would like to take this opportunity to spotlight one of the excellent flood relief volunteer groups now operating in Bangkok, Baan Arsa Jaidee flood relief centre (only 200 m. from the Sanam Pao BTS Skytrain Station), Hotline:[masked].  It has been open for more than 3 weeks and the Thai coordinator was interviewed by the BBC, which has an October 27 story on the BBC website:

The mission of the center is given in the article:
"Currently we're making survival packs - packs or bags - that have basic foods such as uncooked rice, instant noodles and fresh water.They also contain tissues, basic medication and some candles and lighters in case electricity is disconnected.

"As well as the survival packs we also have training and workshops for Bangkok volunteers.  We have about 200 to 300 people per day and we teach them how to make tools to help in the floods - for example, life vests from used plastic bottles and rafts made from PVC tubes and plastic bottles."

An American, who is volunteering with the mostly Thai group, has developed a website and video for the Center:

He writes:
"We have been hugely impressed by this group - the centre is just filled with young people organised through social networks, and the leadership is really competent"

A British volunteer was recently interviewed on BBC World Television:

Art, Organizer
Bangkok Coffee and Movie Meetup 

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