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Re: [cooking-682] A few spots left Tea Party Ladies only

From: Bill R.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 9:11 AM
Hi Verna,
I am so sorry that this time I will not be playing for your Tea Party! I hope you all have a great time.
On Jun 16, 2014, at 5:03 PM, Vernalisa The Party Chef <[address removed]> wrote:

Ok Ladies if you have not signed on for this event now is the time I have 4 spots left on The Chefs Table we have 16 the Ladies from Ladies making a difference in Las Vegas has 22, we want this event to be a sold  out one .Please join us for this beautiful afternoon tea.  Need 4 more to be sold out please help us.

Besides the tea we have entertainment singers and a keyboard man will be singing more then a few Broadway show tunes .Prepare for the  feast  all the lovely tea sandwiches and desserts made just for this occasion.Cant come but would like to donate that's find also.All process goes to Noah's Ark.Our Charity for this event.We have 6 gift baskets to Raffle off, some worth  as high as $125.00 .Tickets are $1.00 each $5 for 6  $10.00 gets you 12 tickets .


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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

Bill Rozak
[address removed]

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