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Hello Everyone I will be returing back to Vegas late Aug[masked]

From: Vernalisa Matello C.
Sent on: Friday, August 1, 2014, 4:31 AM

Wow it seems I been gone a long time.I just wanted you all to know I will be home and  hopefully everyone is ready to start having fun with the Chefs Table.I will be going to LA for a few days around Aug 10 I will be seeing my daughter Denise and also our dear friends Bill and Andy  really =missed those guys .

My son Steven is going to ve visting for 10 days and he loves to cook so I will be setting up a meet up at my house for a small dinner party if your interested I suggest you watch for the meet up date which I will add shortly  .It will be called an evening with Steven and trust me his co
oking skills will blow you away  he cooks better then his mom :>))) truly .See you all soon .