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Industry Night at the Peoria Film Fest is Tonight!

From: Aaron K.
Sent on: Saturday, October 20, 2018, 10:52 AM

Hello filmmakers!

Our first ever Industry Night at the Peoria Film Fest is being held tonight! Free to attend, it's going to be a great night for film and film lovers on the west side of town! Put your networking shoes on and get out there and show up for your scene.


Industry Night at the Peoria Film Fest takes place on Saturday, October 20th from 6:00pm-Midnight. If you've been to Industry Night at the Phoenix Film Festival, you know this will not be a night to miss. Meet new filmmakers, celebrate film with those you know, and just have a good time.

The night will take place in the Party Pavilion in the same lot as the Harkins Arrowhead Theatres off 83rd Ave south of Bell Road. Attendance is free to all!

We will have a cash bar serving wine and beer. A light musical playlist will set the tone while keeping networking at the forefront. We will even have up to a dozen vendors on hand with table space talking about their film related services and goods.

If you're a part of the Arizona Film and Television Industry, you need to be at Industry Night!




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