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FW: First Family Auditions - and a few crew positions needed as well.

From: Tamara M.
Sent on: Thursday, October 18, 2018, 12:09 PM

Hey Folks – I just got this in from Steven Digges – he’s got auditions coming up and crew positions -I’m assuming these positions are all paid. As always – PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL – instead reply directly to Steven as directed below.


This is the note from Steven

I have good news.  The auditions for the pilot episode of First Family are scheduled for November 3rd at the Westin Kierland Resort in Scottsdale. I am still reviewing submissions and scheduling appointments. I am attaching an updated casting list. Talent should respond to this e-mail address. Steven Digges [address removed]


Meadowglen Productions

Character Summary

Auditions 11/3/2018, Westin Kierland Resort, Scottsdale, AZ

Contact Steve at [address removed]


First Family, Episode One

A former President and his First Family become stranded in the desert with just one incompetent Secret Service Agent to protect them. Will they survive their own family dysfunction and the agent's misguided protection in the middle of nowhere? Will they survive this raucous, politically incorrect and hysterical situational comedy.

This is a 90's style sitcom with modern twists & features. All characters will be "over the top" dramatic actors with an emphasis on humor; be it deadpan or ridiculous. It is a bit of political satire with a touch of topical reality thrown in and is intended as a lighthearted situational comedy without making a statement about any specific political party. It is nondiscriminatory humor because it pokes fun at the entire political complex to include the media.

Stuck in a cabin awaiting rescue:

A Limousine gets lost in the desert and runs out of gas with an ex-president's family onboard traveling to a family vacation. They become holed up in a cabin they break into for shelter. No one in the world knows where the former First Family is. Cell phones don't work, but there is a TV in the cabin that only broadcasts one station; BSN, a 24-hr national news network with an emphasis on politics and broad speculation in the absence of facts. While awaiting rescue, they watch as famed news anchor Jane Fox reports on the disappearance of the former First Family. A lot of the humor will come from the family's reaction to all the fake news reporting of their disappearance that may include every theory from Russian kidnapping to an alien abduction and other miscellaneous conspiracy theories. There will be wild, false and funny news reports on each family member.


George Banks

Ex-President of the United States: A sitcom type of president. He is a likable, caring father and humorous politician. This is a dramatic comedy role. Now that he just spent the last eight years trying to solve the world's problems he is trying to get a grip on his dysfunctional family. This is a key role. George must be funny and endear the audience to him. Age 50+ Caucasian.

Note: At the first production shoot this character will be made up to look like a Victorian era woman. An old fashioned black and white still photo will be made to hang on the set at a later time. Female features are not required, it is a gag shot. However facial hair will not work.

Lucy Banks

Wife (First Lady): A drunken floozy, flirts with Billy Porter the Secret Service agent assigned to their protection. The more she drinks the more she flirts with Billy Porter. Her pet name for him is "Killer". The First Lady is deadpan. She will be sipping whisky the whole time. She will remain perfectly calm at all times no matter how much chaos breaks out around her. She will be wearing A blouse, a short skirt, and outrageous heels. Purposely not First Lady like. All she really wants to do is get Billy Porter in bed but it will never happen. She will be seen filling a glass with alcohol many times but she will not be a stumbling, slurred, falling down drunk. Many of her lines are dead pan lines she says to herself. Age 45-55, Caucasian.

Billy Porter

Secret Service Agent: Total fool, pretends to be a one man army but is completely incompetent. He will never take his Ray Ban Aviator sunglasses off during the entire show. At some point he might remove his suit coat to reveal a ridiculous amount of weapons strapped to his body. He is a likable idiot. This show will live or die based on this role and it will be a hard one to pull off. He needs to be part Barney Fife, part Maxwell Smart, and part Duane Johnson. No need for billy to look like Duane Johnson, he needs to be a hysterical comedy actor. It is a pivotal role as much of the humor revolves around him. Age 30 to 50, any race.

Craig Banks

Eighteen or twenty year old son: Craig Banks is 18 to 23 and straight out of high school. He needs to be super wild and hip. More of a skateboarder type kid than a preppy president's son. Past history of always being in mischievous trouble. His big problem with being stranded in the desert is his cell phone does not work. As far as he is concerned, his life must be over if he has to go a couple days without phone, internet, twitter and text on his smartphone. He has no idea how to function without it. We find out he has been using his first family influence to collect girlfriends on dating sites. We have one of the "Breaking News" stories report that it has been discovered Craig has been using his real name on at least 15 internet dating sites. He was offering women tours of the White House. His phone was going crazy with responses coming in and now he has no service. Now his whole family finds out that he was doing this because it is on the news. Actor must be at least 18, Caucasian.

Mary Banks

Twenty something year old daughter. Spoiled brat, a daddy's girl. She is a dramatic hysteric and overreacts to everything. She is constantly using her First Family status to draw media attention to herself. Hip, cool, and attractive. All wrapped up in herself. Always concerned about her internet presence and the media. Uses Daddy to get whatever she wants. aspires to be the first female president one day. Age 18-29, Caucasian. The ideal age for Mary is to appear 25-27.

Jane Fox

BS News Network TV news anchor who will give news reports that the family sees on living room TV. She will play an anchor that is DEADPAN serious no matter how stupid the report. Her news feeds will be shot green screen prior to the taping with the principal cast. We will be emulating a "Fox News Studio anchor". Lots of makeup, short dress, high heels, just like fox news. Age 30-45, any race.


My crew positions are filled. Mostly by my regulars. I may have a couple of slots open up:


Audio boom operator

Adobe Premier CC tech for dailies & post

PA for wardrobe etc.


I will appreciate anything you do to help get the word out!


Kind Regards,




Meadowglen Productions





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