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Re: [travel-681] VaughanTown October

From: Mykal
Sent on: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 12:44 PM
I agree with everything Lydia said and I was in Valdelavilla and while the resort is rustic and isolated we had a great time and really bonded. our group has our own facebook page now so we swap photos and stories. a great experience for sure.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 7:38 AM, Lydia Bauman <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Helen and Steve

I have been to Valdelavilla, and just wanted to say there is nothing to worry about.
The programme is constructed in such a way that no one is left out and no one needs to feel
Intimidated. It is really a lot of fun and you'll be surprised to discover your capacity to make conversation and do the most unexpected things. The Spaniards are always delightful and very appreciative and its worth remembering, they are the ones who feel nervous - not only are they struggling with the language but often are under great pressure to do well.

Valdelavilla is a very lovely and relaxing place, and the amount of bonding with people inside one week is just unbelievable. You will be leaving thinking you're leaving a family.
Just relax and enjoy the ride.

Best wishes


Sent from my iPad
Lydia Bauman
24 St Mark's Rise
London E8 2 NL

Studio F9
the Chocolate Factory N16

On 24 Sep 2013, at 20:39, Helen West <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello Group
I have recently joined this meetup group because my husband and I going to Valdelavilla shortly (Sun 6th October).  It's our first time and we're a bit nervous. Are any other group members going?
Helen & Steve West

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