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New Meetup: Madison's Great Urban Race

From: Paul
Sent on: Sunday, May 31, 2009, 10:17 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Madison International Travel Meetup Group!

What: Madison's Great Urban Race

When: June 22,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Grab a partner! Sign up now for The Great Urban Race! This group will be one of many sponsoring The Great Urban Race this year in Madison. Check out the details and RSVP yes only after you have signed up. I would like to know how many teams we have for this group.

Here are a couple highlights as a member of this group-

# Discounted rate for your members to be in The Great Urban Race.
# Promotion for your group in info packets handed out on race day.
# Recognition at The Great Urban Race.
# Plus, if you have at least 5 teams sign up from your group Meetup HQ will send you Meetup T-shirts for members to wear at the race!

Here are some details about the event-

The Great Urban Race is a wacky urban adventure. Teams of two solve twelve clues, have a wild city adventure and complete fun challenges while discovering the city in a fresh way during a fun day.

Make sure that you let me know when you have signed up. Its limited to the first 500 groups, so get it done! Sign up HERE - http://www.greaturban...

Learn more here:[url=]The Madison International Travel Meetup Group[/url]

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