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New Meetup: Those Darn Court Cards! A Class for all Levels of Tarot Experience

From: Christiana G.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 1:03 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The West Palm Beach Tarot Circle Meetup!

What: Those Darn Court Cards! A Class for all Levels of Tarot Experience

When: Wednesday, February 24,[masked]:30 PM

Price: $25.00 per person

Tarot by Christiana
224 Datura Street Suite 607
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

The Court of the Minor Arcana is comprised of the sixteen "people" cards. In some decks they are Queens, Kings, Pages and Knights.

These cards can represent the people in our lives. They can also describe qualities within ourselves. They can also suggest specific actions or goals.

Because there are so many possible interpretations for these cards, they sometimes become very difficult to interpret.

In this three-hour Tarot class you will learn many ways of understanding and working with these sixteen Tarot cards.

When integrated back into the full deck, these cards serve as special guideposts in your readings and spiritual work.

As you develop a better understanding of these sixteen cards, your entire understanding of the Tarot will deepen.

Learn more here: