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Help Take Liberty to the Masses!

From: Zak C.
Sent on: Friday, March 7, 2014, 8:17 AM
Ben Swann’s - - Season 1 amassed over a million views and saw the brand extend to Roku, multiple online and mobile formats and is now poised to become the first independent journalism content on Hulu and Amazon Prime.  We’re really taking a liberty message to the masses!
As part of the kickoff week we are giving away an autographed copy of "Liberty Defined" by Ron Paul. We will give it away today to someone on our email list. If you are not on the list, please sign up!
We’ll be giving away something every week while this campaign is running!
Ben Swann is a two-time Emmy award and three-time Edward R. Murrow award winning journalist who previously worked as an Anchor/Investigative reporter covering Mexicoʼs drug war in El Paso Texas and the 2012 Presidential election from Cincinnati, Ohio. His internationally known Truth in Media and Reality Check series have been viewed over 11 million times in 140 countries.
Funds raised will allow Swann to craft at least 11 episodes of his widely spread and highly anticipated show for distribution through his website,, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Roku and other outlets.
The project has a base goal of $100,000 dollars to launch a 3 level platform to inform, engage and activate Americans across the political spectrum. Swann: "Season 2 of the Truth in Media Project will be bigger and more intensive than our first season. This time we are going to travel the country and tell stories the rest of the media won't touch." The focus of this season is that 'Humanity is Greater Than Politics' and while continuing to break the left/right paradigm in media, we intend to demonstrate how true that concept is."
For more on the project, visit
For Liberty!

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