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Free tickets for TONIGHT'S Comedy Meetup!

From: Ivan M.
Sent on: Monday, December 13, 2010, 12:53 PM
Luke Jermay - magic and comedy

I have been able to get hold of 10 free tickets to tonight's London Comedy Meetup at the Canal Cafe Theatre, if you want tickets E-Mail me with your name and the number of tickets and I'll see you there. Should be a good night. All details are on the Meetup page.

How often have you wondered what your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend is really thinking? Maybe whether someone is telling the truth or a lie, or perhaps the guy sitting across from you at a poker table? We all take it as a given that the content of our thoughts are secret, private and unknowable. At least that is what most of us like to think?

LUKE JERMAY READS MINDS and he can read your mind. In his one man show ?Mind Magic? Jermay showcases his undeniable ability to read and understand non-verbal communication as well as to manipulate and even implant thoughts in the minds of others. Having spent the past 3 years headlining his own show on THE LAS VEGAS STRIP Jermay is one of the most polished and experienced performers out there!

?I enjoy Luke Jermay?s performances immensely. I am struck and excited by his thinking, boldness and originality. These things are so rare and Luke puts the rest of us to shame!? -DERREN BROWN

Canal Cafe Theatre
Delamere Terrace,
Little Venice,