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Did our email bounce back like my son's golf balls?

From: Chad B.
Sent on: Saturday, October 31, 2009, 1:24 PM
  We sent out an email a few days ago and a
lot of you have responded.  It is great to
get your feedback..

The challenge is a lot of the emails didn’t get through.
Sometimes glitches happen with email.
Would you let us know if you got this email?
Technology is a bit bothersome sometimes.

If you haven't yet already, please go to and update your member information

This reminds us of the Verizon commercials:
"Can you hear me now?"
But what we are asking is:
Can you see my words now?

Anyway,  the UVREIA has been connecting with all
the great attendees from the past.

We would love to reconnect with you and find
out what you have been up to.  Please make sure to complete the UVREIA profile at . Your information is critical due because we don’t want you left out as we improve technology and change servers.
Wishing you profitable investing from your UVREIA Leadership Team,

Chad Bennett, President

P.S. Watch for more information fun November details coming soon.

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