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The Perfect Wave

From: Chad B.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 10:20 AM
In 1964, there was an incredible su.rfing documentary created by Bruce Brown, called ?Endless Summer.? What he did was follow two incredible su.rfers around the entire world while they searched for the perfect wave. What you may not know is a ?perfect wave? comes from a destructive storm. These waves are created by hurricanes, and typhoons thousands of miles away.

Real estate investors are very similar to this. The majority of real estate investors are doing their best to keep afloat during this economic storm. Most investors are in the middle of the rising water and unsure what to do. Or how to take advantage of the opportunities these storms bring.

The Utah Valley REIA has been listening to your needs and we have an incredible solution for all of you. If you want to get to the meat of how to weather these storms and still cash checks, we have a step-by-step plan on getting you there. We have additions to the club that are going to really get your attention and help guide you to achieving greater success. So make sure to update your profile attached to the P.S. so we can connect you with this new upcoming data.

Here are some of the topics to watch for:

* The biggest mistakes real estate investors make.
* How to Real Estate with No Money Down
* The nitty-gritty details on how to c.ash checks in this current economy.
* A detailed look at successful marketing strategies.
* More direct help from the new and improved club.

It only takes a little knowledge of the perfect storm...and step-by-step guides on how to get there. We also want to know how we can best serve you so make sure to tell us what topics you want to see in the future inside your UVREIA profile.

Watch for upcoming details!

Wishing you profitable investing from your UVREIA Leadership Team,

Chad Bennett, President

P.S. We are changing servers and we need you to update your UVREIA Profile.We want to make sure you receive all the new upcoming material that is being created as part of the new and improved Utah Valley REIA. Please go the the following site and fill out the information.

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