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Re: [ia-55] Required and optional fields

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 5:08 PM
I have used asterisks, bold fonts, or a color that pops.  I agree with Eduardo; consistency throughout the application is key, especially if multiple business functions are represented or if there is user crossover between the functional modules of the app.
One other note; when a required field is forgotten, most business users with whom I have interacted find ambiguous error messages annoying.  I have found it best to be specific in my required field "reminders".  I have used an arrow to point to the field(s) missing information, or an asterisk if I did not previously use it to designate a required field.

Mary J. Anderson

Integrated Management Processes


20296 E. Arrow Highway, C

Covina, CA, 91724

Asset Leveraging Leader and Executive Coach

[address removed]

From: Suman Bhaskara <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tue, August 17,[masked]:58:02 PM
Subject: [ia-55] Required and optional fields

Hi all!

How do you best represent required and optional fields in a form-based application.
This is a backoffice application with lists, reports, various forms (short and lengthy)

When a define a blank slate for a form, if a form has few optional fields, I'd mark them as inline-field text. It is understood that rest of the fields which are empty are required fields.
Alternatively, if most fields are optional, I'd mark only those that are required.
I would use one of the pattern for the entire website or application

But what pattern would you follow in a large application (about 250 unique screens) which has both of above patterns?

Thanks ahead

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