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Allowing users to delete items from lists -- opinions? resources?

From: Julia E.
Sent on: Thursday, February 23, 2012, 1:05 PM
Hi all,

Suppose a user performs a search and is returned a long list of items.  Suppose that many of the items in the list -- maybe even most -- are not going to be interesting to the user.  You have an option for the user to save an interesting item.  Do you also design an option for the user to grey out, shrink, remove, or otherwise de-emphasize an uninteresting item?

An argument against is that this allows the user to take an additional step and interact with something they don't care about, but the user is more likely to want to interact with something she does care about.

An argument for is that there is a psychological incentive for the user to interact with the item she doesn't want:  if she can make it go away, it won't distract her from continuing on with her decision-making.  If she makes lots of the items she doesn't want go away, she will end up with a list of items that interest her, which will help her focus on making a final decision.  Also, the decision to eliminate an uninteresting item from a set may be easier than the decision to pick an interesting item from a set.

What do you think?  Has anyone seen any research or articles about this?  


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