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Freelance UX Designer Job posting

From: user 6.
Sent on: Friday, February 8, 2013, 4:59 PM
Hi All,

I have a current Freelance opportunity for a UX Designer/Information Architect (UX/IA.)


A small but growing creative agency based in Venice is looking for a freelance UX and IA designer to join their team.  This position will require a candidate that must have expert knowledge in user-centered design for any size project. This role is hands-on and requires a talented, thought leader who has a love for innovation and a strong understanding of industry standards for desktop, tablet, mobile and social platforms.
The UX Designer and Information Architect will create site maps, wireframes and other UX documentation for the website, mobile and social applications. This candidate will also address the architecture based on strategy, brand creative and the business objectives.  
R   Responsibilities: 

  • Evaluate and assess existing properties for usefulness and usability. 
  • Create user flows,  site maps, wireframes and other UX documentation for the website and mobile applications that address business, brand and user requirements. 
  • Help creatives and developers implement the user experience you design.
  • Gather qualitative and quantitative user feedback to optimize existing UX designs and inform new ones. 
  • Work closely with UI designers, copywriters and developers to oversee that your design vision from wireframes to live release. 
  • Work with project management to create schedules and road maps. 


Apart from over achieving the responsibilities above a mid-senior level of design proficiency with programs such as PS, AI and other prototyping tools such as Visio and Balsamiq. A strong portfolio of projects that showcase talents and ability to work with agency teams. Above all, you will need to have energy and love for the work. 
If you're interested, please contact me directly and we can discuss the details (daily rate, start date, etc.)


Mitch Rufca

Rufca Recruiting Services
[address removed]

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