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RE: [ia-55] Speakers for course on data entrepreneurship

From: Fawn K.
Sent on: Thursday, December 19, 2013, 10:31 AM
Hi Judy-

Of course we wouldn't
1.) Reference or discuss CURRENT campaigns
2.) Discuss anything without permission from both Saatchi PR and Toyota
3.) Much of what we'll be reviewing is public knowledge - we'll be talking about how we've leveraged data (that Toyota does NOT own) to inform the shopping narrative

If you have any concerns or recommendations, though, I'd be happy to hear them!


Fawn Kazati

Content Strategy Director
[address removed]
[masked] T
[masked] F
[masked] C
Saatchi & Saatchi
Nothing is Impossible

From:        Judy Hwang <[address removed]>
To:        [address removed],
Date:        12/19/[masked]:05 AM
Subject:        RE: [ia-55] Speakers for course on data entrepreneurship
Sent by:        [address removed]

Hi Fawn,

That is nice of you to volunteer to present Saatchi's work to the students.  But I was just wondering if it is ethical for you to share Toyota's current campaigns.  I mean, doesn't Saatchi have an NDA with Toyota as one of their preferred vendors?


To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [ia-55] Speakers for course on data entrepreneurship
From: [address removed]
Date: Wed, 18 Dec[masked]:04:36 -0500

Hi Jean-Francois:

Are you still looking for presenters for your course? If so, Trisha Mitra, our Business Intelligence Director, and I would like to speak about "Using Big Data to Persuade Purchase"
(Loyalty Cards, Predictive Advertising, Quantifying Emotions to enable Automotive Purchases).

We feel that your students would be very interested in learning how a large advertising agency (Saatchi and Saatchi) uses data, how we distill numbers into insights and ultimately,  how this furthers customer intent for Toyota purchases.

Our source material will come from the collective knowledge gathered from a cumulative 30 years in advertising / analytics as well as case studies for our current work with Toyota.

Please let us know-


Fawn Kazati

Content Strategy Director
[address removed]
[masked] T
[masked] F
[masked] C
Saatchi & Saatchi
Nothing is Impossible

Jean-François Blanchette <[address removed]>
[address removed],
12/11/2013 10:26 AM
[ia-55] Speakers for course on data entrepreneurship
Sent by:        
[address removed]

Hi everyone,I am a professor in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA, where I teach courses related to design, electronic documents, and the computing infrastructure. Many of our graduates are active members within the LA-UX group (Lynn Boyden of course, but many others), and our
informatics track features an increasing number of courses that prepare students for this career, including design, HCI, user experience, metadata, digital preservation, ethnographic methods, databases, information economics, data curation, etc.
I am teaching a course next term on "Quantification and the social life of data" or more succinctly, Data Entrepreneurship (see the description below). I am looking for speakers who can talk to how they innovate and leverage data to generate value --- economic, social, institutional. This can take place at any point of the data lifecycle --- creation/collection, classification, description/metadata, processing, access, visualization. For example, students would be interested in hearing how ParkMe collected the data for their database and how it's kept current; or the obstacles
NextLeaf Analytics faced when designing their cookstove sensor; or the standardization involved in creating a faculty dossier systemat UCLA that centralizes data relative to the professional activities of faculty. Things of that sort.
The course will take place at UCLA, every Tuesday morning, from 9-12h30, from January 7 to March 11. In practice, this means there are 8 dates available: 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4. Ideally the presentations would take place at around 9, for about an hour, with more time for questions. In exchange, I can provide you with publicity --- I will advertise and open your talk to the whole department, and to other as well, including statistics, and you might just make contact with new recruits if you are looking to expand. Oh, and I'll pay for your parking, don't thank me, that's just how we roll in public universities.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you're interested, I am hoping to finalize my syllabus within the next couple of weeks.
Quantification and the social life of data
Winter 2014, Prof. Jean-François Blanchette
How do numbers come to represent things? Where does data come from? Answering these questions is essential to understanding data's power to persuade, but also to leverage its capacity for social, economic, and institutional innovation. The current deluge of data is produced by a number of new sources, among others:  
o New cheap sensors embedded in the environment — The proliferation of cheap sensors has allowed systems designers to gather measurements from new sources. A smartphone, for example, contains a microphone, a camera, an accelerometer, a touch screen, and a GPS.
Weight scales post data automatically to the Internet;
o Automatically generated through online interactions — every interaction on a course management system, for example, generates multiple
data points;
o Structuration of existing data sources — The LA Times homicide blog is a good example of how existing data sources (i.e., coroner reports released by the LAPD) can be turned into
structured data and provide for new forms of data journalism;
o Brute force creation — The Pandora music system was built from the "
Music Genome Project." Each song has been codified individually by ear and hand, using about 400 attributes;
o Analysis and visualization of existing data sources — data sets and software tools for statistical analysis and visualization have become
widely available;
o Crowdsourcing of evaluation — On electronic commerce platforms, Yelp, reputation systems, etc., users can attribute ratings, evaluations, rankings to people, services, objects;
Students will read about quantification and datafication from a broad range of perspectives, and engage in practical exercises that will hone their skills at analyzing how the world becomes number, and at identifying opportunities for data entrepreneurship in the service of social, institutional, or economic value. The final project will involve the creation of a new kind of metric, using any one of the sources listed above, along with the analysis of the social and technical dynamics that will support the success and effectiveness of the metric.

Jean-François Blanchette, Associate Professeur
Dept. of Information Studies, UCLA

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