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Re: [preia] Apartment for Sale

From: Donald E.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 31, 2014, 2:54 PM

Could i get the property address?

On Dec 31,[masked]:27 AM, "Tony" <[address removed]> wrote:
Fellow Entrepreneurs,

I have an Apartment Bldg for Sale.  4 Unit apt, with 3 bdrms each, 1 bath, living room, and kitchen.  Central Heat and Air.  Balcony on front and rear of each unit.  Approx 1100 sq ft each.  Rents at $750.00 per month.  All units currently rented.  3 of the 4 units contain laminate floors throughout. Tenants pay their own utilities.  No reasonable offers refused. Property was recently appraised at $265,000 in October/November 2014 prior to new paint and deck rehab.  Ready to move on to the next level of investing.

Check it out at:

If you have any questions or need more information, I can be reached at [masked]


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