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New Meetup: RI Training Demo Event & Networking!

From: Adam G.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 6, 2010, 1:26 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vegas Business Networking!

What: RI Training Demo Event & Networking!

When: Thursday, July 8,[masked]:30 PM

Gordon Biersch
750 S Rampart Blvd Suite 16
Las Vegas, NV 89145

Workshop starts promptly at 6:30 and will go to 9:00

Workshop Schedule

6:30-6:45 - Greetings, grab a seat, order food if you like!

6:45-7:00 - 60 second commercials of what you do and your products/services!

7:00-8:30 - Playing/experience the Residual Income Simulator!

8:30-9:00 - Debrief and wrap up of what we we experienced, overview of the RI training tools/system how they can be used to help you and your business grow in real life and an invitation to do so!

$10 with an RSVP in advance, $15 at the door - As a thank you to Rina and the Vegas Business Networking group, for allowing us to share this with you, your first time in July, you can attend for free! Just mention the Vegas Business Networking Group!

What is the Residual Income Simulator?

Learn in 90 Minutes What Used to Take 6 Months to a Year to Learn and
Take Control of Your Income and Your Business!

Learn to Recruit, Training and Retain Associates in Your Business
with the Residual Income? Business and Team Building Training Simulator

We all know the story. New associates come aboard with great hopes and dreams, along with some fears. The first month or two can make or break their career. How do you quickly help them get the vision and sustain it through the learning curve? How do you convert the associate?s hope and enthusiasm into activity that gets results, while avoiding the ?scenario of disaster??

The Residual Income? Business and Team Building Training Simulator is a powerful training tool that puts making lists, dream building, contacting, showing the business plan, and going to seminars into context with a myriad of other selling and building activities so that associates ?get it? faster and more effectively.

This dynamic training tool is disguised as a game called Residual Income?. Based on choice rather than chance, the Residual Income? Simulator quickly and effectively trains your team through a fun application of principle and practice. Built to train on over fifty different selling and building skills, and customizable to focus on one or more particular skill for any given training session, the Residual Income? Simulator can help your team learn and practice?among other things?how to:

> Contact new prospects
> Show the business presentation
> Follow up
> Overcome objections
> Convert prospects to associates or clients
> Edify leaders
> Promote events

Learn more here:

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