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Great Advertising Opportunity

From: Don R.
Sent on: Monday, July 28, 2008, 8:27 PM
Here?s good news for folks who would like to find a great place to advertise their product or service and help support the important work of the nonprofit group Earthsave Baltimore at the same time. Ginny Robertson, the publisher of On Purpose Woman magazine, has generously offered to donate 30% of all new account ad fees from those who mention Earthsave, or the Vegetarian or Vegan Meetup groups.

On Purpose Woman magazine was a natural outgrowth of the On Purpose Networking for Women group, which meets monthly in four different Maryland counties. The group promotes a different way of doing business; a more feminine model, one that is based on generosity, good will, and relationship building.

On Purpose Woman magazine really is a wonderful place to advertise. In fact, I enjoy reading the ads almost as much as I do the articles. Some of the coolest people in the Baltimore area advertise there, and many advertisers have been on board since the very first issue in December of 2003.

On Purpose Woman prints and distributes 17,000 copies every two months, and nearly all of them get into the hands of readers. Distribution points are heavy in Baltimore County, Howard County and Baltimore City. Distribution is lighter but growing in Harford, Frederick, Anne Arundel and Carroll Counties. OPW is also in the public libraries of Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Harford, Frederick and Howard Counties, and Baltimore City.

Earthsave Baltimore is a completely volunteer operated 501 C3 nonprofit that educates and supports people in shifting toward a healthier, earth-friendly diet and lifestyle. Their monthly Veg Dinner Lecture Series has been very well attended and has featured some of the most knowledgeable and best speakers in their field. The group is funded entirely by individual memberships and donations.

So here?s a chance to enter into a real win-win situation. This Friday, August 1st, is the due date for ad copy in the next issue. Please write Ginny Robertson at [address removed], or call[masked], to check out the ad rates. And you can learn more about Ginny and On Purpose by going to, and More on Earthsave Baltimore is at, and more on Earthsave International can be found at

Thanks for considering this. Be well!

Peace, Don Robertson