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New Meeting: Texas Gamers Super Smash Bros Melee & Brawl

From: user 6.
Sent on: Monday, March 3, 2008, 2:01 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Texas Gamers!

What: Texas Gamers Super Smash Bros Melee & Brawl

When: Saturday, March 29, 1:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Any smash player, that is ready to play in one of the best tournaments!

Why: Because we are going to have more fun then should be allowed by law!

Meeting Description: Contact Information:[masked]

Melee Singles
Registration: 1:00PM, Start: 2:00PM
Double Elimination
MLG Rules Apply
Cost: $5 per person per event
Prizes: 50%/20%/10%
You are responsible for bringing your own controller. Only controllers that are checked in will be allowed to leave the building, so please be sure to checkin your controller.

Brawl Singles
Registration: 1:00PM, Start: 3:00PM
Double Elimination
MLG Rules Apply
Cost: $5 per person per event
Prizes: 50%/20%/10%
You are responsible for bringing your own controller. Only controllers that are checked in will be allowed to leave the building, so please be sure to checkin your controller.

Learn more here: