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Meet us in the virtual 4D theater RiftMax tomorrow night at 8pm

From: Chad J.
Sent on: Monday, May 26, 2014, 9:46 PM

Hello again,

I wanted to send out the invitation to all of you to join us for a brainstorming session on how we can proceed with making this group the amazing VR meetup that Philly deserves.

We're going to be meeting in the RiftMax theater tomorrow night at 8pm. If you're not familiar with RiftMax, it's an Oculus Rift supported 4D theater where we can all virtually interact and chat with each other. Even if you don't have an Oculus Rift, you can still use your monitor. It's recommended you have a headset w/ a mic so we can hear you but if you want to just listen, that's fine.

Go here to download RiftMax and read the instructions:

You'll see a theater named Philly VR meetup or something along those lines that you can join.

Hope to see you there!


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