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Re: [wakeboarding-22] Waterskiing at The Carlsbad Lagoon-This Sunday

From: Jodie
Sent on: Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 10:11 AM
Hi Josh,

Glad your getting some positive responses! Yes, put me down as definitely interested!



-----Original Message-----
From: Josh <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wed, 14 May[masked]:58
Subject: [wakeboarding-22] Waterskiing at The Carlsbad Lagoon-This Sunday

Fellow Skiers:

We will be going this weekend to the Carlsbad Lagoon, on Sunday.

Here is the deal:

-salt water
- calm water
- warm water
-costs are $125/hour split amongst how ever many go
- fee includes a boat and driver to pull us

If you are coming from LA, I suggest driving down the night before and staying 
at a local hotel, there is even a Motel 6 nearby

If you don't own a boat, and don't have the liberty to go whenever you want, 
this is the next best thing in Southern California, period.

If you want to go, we will charter the boat from 10 AM till noon depending on 
how many people decide to go.

If you are interested, reply letting me know.


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Wakeboard Skyski  Waterski Watersport Group.
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