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Head over hills -- to Catoctin Overlooks

From: Mike
Sent on: Thursday, February 26, 2015, 3:22 PM


It’s been a long while since you last heard from me, but not long enough. You probably got used to the quiet, so I feel bad about sending this message, but not bad enough. There’s a nice hike coming up on Saturday that you need to know about. I’ll keep the message short, but not short enough. It’s rated at 3.2 eye rolls.

The Hike: A 5.5-mile loop with 1200 feet of elevation gain/pain in beautiful, but not far, Catoctin Mountain Park. Our hike will let us look over three amazing overlooks (actually, two are amazing; the third is pretty neat): Chimney Rocks, Wolf Rock (lunch!), and the Thurmont Vista. To overlook these overlooks would be an bad oversight. The difficulty level is almost moderate (1.8 blisters). There will be snow on the trail and possible icy patches, which will make it a little trickier, but even more beautiful.

The weather looks to be sunny with low winds, but cold temps (in the 20s)—a beautiful winter day, perfect for breaking cabin fever. You’ll need to wear warm stuff in layers that can be taken off as you warm up or put on as you cool off, and stand up after you sit down and move over if you step under. I don’t know where this is going. Help me, help me.

What to bring: Warm clothes. Ankle-high hiking boots. Hiking poles if you use them. Lunch. (Don’t forget lunch!) Water. Confidence. Joy.

When & Where: We’ll meet to carpool at 9:00 am at the Shady Grove Metro station’s east side Kiss & Ride parking lot. That’s the side with the garages; see for the exact location. If you are arriving by Metro, note that there are two tunnel exits from the Metro station and you want the east side; if you don’t see parking garages when you exit, go back and exit from the other tunnel end, on the opposite side of the tracks. Parking at station lots, including the Kiss & Ride, is free on weekends. (Yeah!)

Leaders are Anthony Iacovelli & Mike Darzi.

For more info & to RSVP:

Photos from our last thingy we did, which was hiking on Paint Branch Trail (seems so long ago):


March right in:

- NW Branch & Sligo Creek Trails (15 or 21 miles):[masked]


- AMC-DC Sip & Slide Party:[masked]


- Parade of Parks Hike (14 or 24 miles):[masked]