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RE: [downtowndenverdachshunds] please help! Need a good dachsie vet

From: user 7.
Sent on: Monday, April 6, 2009, 9:00 AM
Wow, $7,000?????  That's expensive.  We just had puppies in December and after all was said and done, they ended up costing about $5,000!!!!  Loved them to death, but wow what we won't do for our weenies!!!


Melon Schott
Sr. Contract Analyst
Anadarko Midstream
[masked] (Phone)
[masked] (Fax)
[address removed]


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Rick
Sent: Monday, April 06,[masked]:53 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [downtowndenverdachshunds] please help! Need a good dachsie vet

Good morning,

My dog had a back problem about 2 years ago.  He screamed with pain all of a sudden so I took him to my vet next morning ASAP.
By then he was loosing his feelings towards his hind legs.  so I took him to VRCC on Hampden and Santa Fe.

they did MRI on him first which I had to write a check for $3500 up front. 
then the surgery and hospital stay costed about that much at the end, totalling $7000.

Although the facility and surgeon was top rate, this kind of experience I would not want to repeat.
It is a dreadful experience to face with the decision whether you would want to do this or not because we all love our Dachshunds.

But Dachshunds are the one of the few breeds actual pet insurance may help. 
Remember, pet insurance is based on reimbursement, doctors and service providers do not take it.

Wish you good luck and hopefully speedy recovery.


From: Rachel Diedrich <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, April 6,[masked]:57:58 AM
Subject: [downtowndenverdachshunds] please help! Need a good dachsie vet

good morning,

My little Josephine hurt her back and I need to take her to a vet this morning. Can anyone reccomend a good vet in the Denver area that has experience with Dachsie back problems?

Thanks in advance everyone!


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