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New Alaskan Cruise Meetup: June 4, 2010

From: Marilyn
Sent on: Friday, February 12, 2010, 9:51 AM
Hey everyone,
We have a gentleman who is in our group wanting to go on an Alaskan cruise on the June 4th on the Celebrity Millennium.  It is a beautiful ship, and the price is great - as low as it generally gets for Alaska. 

He is looking for someone to share a cabin with, and/or a great group of new friends to go together.  If you have any interest in Alaska, here are the details. 
Dates: June 4, 2010 - June 11, 2010
June 4 - Seward, Alaska - depart 9pm
June 5 - Hubbard Galcier - cruising
June 6 - Juneau, Alaska
June 7 - Skagway, Alaska
June 8 - Icy Straight Point
June 9 - Ketchikan, Alaska
June 10 - Inside Passage - cruising
June 11 - Vancouver, BC - arrive 7am

Prices per person, not including taxes of $147.02 each:
Inside - $599
Oceanview - $799
Balcony - $1329
These prices are only guaranteed until sold out, so don't wait too long.

All rates are based on double occupancy.

Please contact me directly (NOT by replying to this message, unless you want EVERYONE to get your response) if you wish to join us! And if you need a roommate, I can try to match you up with a like person, which has almost always worked out very well if you don't bring a friend.
If you are interested in sharing the cabin with this gentleman, he is in his 50s and does not smoke, and would like to share the inside cabin.

Thanks so much, and hope you'll consider joining the group onboard the Millennium June 4th.
If you are interested in another destination, please let me know and we can try to get a group together (or at least a roommate) for you.

Marilyn Vincent
[address removed]

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