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New Meetup: Renaissance Festival

From: Lisa
Sent on: Monday, February 15, 2010, 3:18 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for West Valley Activities Group!

What: Renaissance Festival

When: Sunday, February 28,[masked]:30 AM

Arizona Renaissance Festival
12601 E US Highway 60
Apache Junction, AZ 85218

The Renaissance Festival is back so let's go have some fun. Because it is so far, we can carpool. We will meet at 10:30 am at my house and head out by 10:45 am; it will talk about an hour to get there. If you want to save a couple bucks, purchase your tickets in advance at Fry's Food Stores.

The Renaissance Festival is a medieval amusement park, a 12-stage theatre, a 30-acre circus, an arts and crafts faire, a Jousting Tournament and a feast, all rolled into one non-stop, day-long, family adventure! The Festival is open Saturdays, Sundays and Presidents' Day Monday, from February 6th to March 28th. Festival hours are 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM. If you have not been before, now is the time to check it out! We have a lot of fun at these events and the Phoenix Singles will be here that same day so hopefully we'll meet up with them during our visit.

Advance tickets can be purchased at Fry's Food Stores statewide. Advance discount tickets available at Fry?s are $18 for adults, $8 for kids ages 5 ?12, and children under 5 are always FREE. Tickets purchased at the Festival Box Office are $2 more. Discount tickets for seniors (60 and older) are $17, only available at the Festival Box Office. There are 6 ATM locations across the Festival grounds in case you need cash.

Admission includes free parking, all entertainment shows, including the Tournament Jousting and Birds of Prey show. You may choose to purchase arts and crafts items, food or beverage, or enjoy some rides and games (costs vary).

Parking is FREE, courtesy of Fry's Food Stores.

No outside food and drink is permitted. You are welcome to come dressed in costume and costumes are available for rental. Costumes are available for rental at the Costume Shoppe located behind the box office prior to entrance to the Festival. Prices vary based upon costume choice. Costume swords and daggers are permitted as long as they are properly sheathed and peace tied.

Check out the Renaissance Festival website at:

Learn more here:

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