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Check it out, A great wine tasting tonight...

From: Del J.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 31, 2012, 5:12 PM

... at the areas newest wine shop

Looking for something fun to do tonight and drink some wine?

Join us at Triangle Wine Company for a tasting of Argentinian wines. Come get a great education on why this wine growing area continues to lead the world in high quality production. Christopher Riley of Belasco de Baquedano Bodaga will present a line up of award winning wines from the region of Mendoza, Argentina. The class is from 7:00pm to 9:00.

Wine line up:
Don Rodolfo Torrontes
La Playa Rose, Cabernet Sauvignon
Don Rodolfo, Pinot Noir
Belasco de Baquedano llama, Malbec
Belasco de Baquedano Reserve, Malbec, "Guentota"
Plus a bonus wine
Also, food to be catered by Georgina's and Pepper's Restaurants

The price is only $15. However, if you buy two bottles of wine you get the $15 credited back to your purchase. Pretty good deal and food too.
Additional discounts are, 10% discount on individual wines purchased, and 20% discount on mixed cases of 12 or more bottles.

Although they have been open for several months, Triangle Wine Company is one of the newest wine shops in the area and one of the largest too. It features 3000 fine wines, 1000 craft beers, a wine tasting bar, 12 beers on tap, locally owned with over 80 years of wine industry experience. Yet another reason to shop local and not the grocery store.

They are located literately on the corner of Davis Drive and McCrimmon Parkway, in Morrisville, close to the heart of RTP. Do not trust your gps or Google Maps because it is a new location.
Triangle Wine Company
3725 Davis Drive
Suite 113
Morrisville, NC 27560

So sorry for the late post, this would have made a great TWE MeetUp
Hope you can make it and stay thirsty my friends.

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