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Great wine tasting events this afternoon

From: Del J.
Sent on: Saturday, February 4, 2012, 10:36 AM

There are two big wine tastings this afternoon you might want to check out.

Great Grapes in Cary is pouring some primo juice with Miner Family Vineyards and ZD Wines from Napa Valey as well as some great Italian wines with importer Dreyfus Ashby, including Renato Ratti Barolo and Tedeschi Amarone. Last nights tasting was awesome and featured 16 wines. I expect today's to be the same.
Great Grapes, 1237 Kildaire Farm Road, Cary, NC 27511,[masked],

Seaboard Wine in Raleigh is featuring an Austrian tasting today as well. Stop by and sample some of the most popular and best selling Austrian wines from Hillinger, Steininger, Tegernseerhof, Steindorfer and more. Seaboard also has a wine bar. Every day you can enjoy any bottle in the store at the wine bar for just the retail shelf price with no additional markups or corkage fees. It is a great a great place to enjoy a bottle or glass before heading downtown for dinner.
Seaboard Wine & Tasting Bar, 802 Semart Drive, Suite 118, Raleigh, NC 27604,[masked],

Its a great day for wine tasting but do not wait too late to get started. Enjoy the day and stay thiristy my friends.